

Saturday, January 26, 2013


It all started with a find of old inflatables.
Well that, and the desire to create the softest thing I would ever make in my life.

I have been feeling an indescribably softness. so deeply inescapably soft.
 a softness that comes with the smell of sleep, milk, bodies held close. 
it is not particularly fit, and certainly not very charming.
it is something that cannot be kept.
it is unimpressive. 
it is private.
and beautiful.

My art making has never seen more interruptions and lack of solid focus. But I find myself not particularly minding. The sewing of a single seam tends to turn into a mass coordination of people, Play School, not to mention the manipulation of the material that writhes at the prospect of hurtling through the sewing machine.  
These things always take so much longer than expected. I really should know that by now.

 I hope it will be eye catching, funny, well made and beautiful -as well as inherently soft.